Daimien Patterson presents...
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How You Could Be Missing Out On More Than $200K
Of Free Money If You're An ADF Member Or A Veteran

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This webinar will show you...
Discover your ADF Housing Entitlements
How to use your ADF Housing entitlements wisely
Legally pay less to zero tax
Build your net worth
Create a second passive income
TUES, 16 NOV 2021
1700H WA / 1830H NT / 1900H QLD / 1930H SA / 2000H NSW ACT VIC TAS
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Very Informative, well delivered and you can tell that what Daimo was saying works. Jump on it! -  Andrew
Excellent presentation, the presenter was very knowledgeable and explained the thinking behind his ideas. – Alex
The webinar was very informative and the presenter was engaging. Very worthwhile. – Leah
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Daimien Patterson served in the full-time ADF from 1996 to 2010 and continues to serve in the Reserves. Whilst serving in the ADF he became a very successful property investor. Daimien grew up in the Western suburbs of Sydney. As the son of a single mother with four kids living in a working class community he went without many things as a child. He saw his mother struggle with money trying to raise four children and work full-time to support them. 

This had a profound effect on him. It taught him to never take the things you have for granted, but also made him determined to never have to struggle like that when he had his own family to support. Daimien is now known as one of Australia’s leading Property Investment Strategists, and is the owner of Integrity Property Investment. Daimien set-up Integrity Property as a company with essential services to help others to gain financial freedom through property investment, not just by achieving average results, but by achieving awesome results!


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Daimien has been featured in the following for his property investment knowledge and his youth development work

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What previous attendees are saying
“The lightbulb moment was when you broke down the equity part of the home and how you can use that to invest and actually create an income stream…”

“Great opportunity to learn more about something you’re not taught through school!”

“Sharp to the point, a lot of rookie mistakes I didn't know I made... definitely speak to the experts before you do anything!”

The webinar was excellent. Daimien was also very genuine.

Good bloke, can tell he served by his manner and I'd only sign up for something like this if it was a fellow serving member in charge. Worst case scenario is that its free and has no strings attached.

It was well presented, not boring, and engaging.

Easy to understand as all info was in layman’s terms. Daimien was transparent and thorough. Don’t hesitate and have an own mind vs what you might have been told about investing.

Well presented. Didn't mind to share his wrong turns. Well informed and know the best why forward. If you young and working for defence, Watch this before buying that UTE.

Excellent webinar. Very informative and well presented. We have learnt from our parents to be quite risk-averse, but we realise that's not going to help us earn a passive income. We're ready to learn how to grow our wealth. Give it a go. There's nothing to lose.

Space is limited. Only 100 spots available. We often see all spots claimed within the first 24 hours. If you are still seeing the button to reserve your spot below we highly recommend that you click it. We can't support requests after its gone.