Ready to Start Your Property Investment Journey?
Specifically developed for ADF members, learn how you could be missing out on more than $200k of FREE money!
Presented by Daimien Patterson

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While young people across Australia are often priced out of the property investment market, this lucrative investment strategy represents an ideal and accessible option for those building a career in the Australian Defence Force. If you are keen to learn more about the golden opportunities available only to ADF members, you won’t want to miss this webinar.

Navigating the world of property investment while you’re currently serving in the ADF doesn’t have to be complicated; provided you get the right guidance from someone who understands the position you’re in. Investment coach and author of ‘Safe as Houses’ Daimien Patterson has spent 14 years in the defence force, building his property portfolio during his defence career.

In his last year of active service, Daimien made $260,000 on top of his defence salary thanks to the steady growth of his property investment portfolio. To find out how, join thousands of other ADF members and access this one-hour webinar today!

In just one hour, Daimien Patterson will provide you with a road map to creating a multi-million-dollar investment portfolio while you’re serving. You’ll be guided through a step-by-step process to increasing your wealth and accessing what could potentially be a couple of thousand dollars worth of ADF entitlements, namely The Defence Home Ownership Assistance Scheme (DHOAS) along with many more.

ADF members can also get up to $85,000 to buy their first home. Learn how to claim on your entitlements, including the first home buyers scheme even if you are only a few years into your permanent service.

THURS, 27th MAY. 2021
1730H WA / 1900H NT SA / 1930H QLD/NSW/ACT/VIC/TAS

The smartest ways to use your ADF entitlements to get started in property investment.

How to create the lifestyle you want while serving in the ADF.

The biggest property investment mistakes and how to expertly avoid every single one of them.

Daimien Patterson served in the full-time ADF from 1996 to 2010 and continues to serve in the Reserves. Whilst serving in the ADF he became a very successful property investor. Daimien grew up in the Western suburbs of Sydney. As the son of a single mother with four kids living in a working class community he went without many things as a child. He saw his mother struggle with money trying to raise four children and work full-time to support them. 

This had a profound effect on him. It taught him to never take the things you have for granted, but also made him determined to never have to struggle like that when he had his own family to support. Daimien is now known as one of Australia’s leading Property Investment Strategists, and is the owner of Integrity Property Investment. Daimien set-up Integrity Property as a company with essential services to help others to gain financial freedom through property investment, not just by achieving average results, but by achieving awesome results!

What previous attendees are saying
​​​​​​​Sydney, CBD

“The lightbulb moment was when you broke down the equity part of the home and how you can use that to invest and actually create an income stream…”

Springfield Lakes

“Great opportunity to learn more about something you’re not taught through school!”

Brisbane, CBD

“Sharp to the point, a lot of rookie mistakes I didn't know I made... definitely speak to the experts before you do anything!”

Daimien has been featured in the following for his property investment knowledge and his youth development work
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